Arizona State Trapshooting Association
Board of Directors Election Meeting During the State Shoot
April 2, 2017
ASTA BOD ELECTION MEETING Tucson Trap and Skeet Club, Tucson Arizona

BOD Attendees:
Steve Long, Karen Bergman, Stephen Bell, Mark Williams, Alvin Matthews, Roger Combs, Doug Sims, Marty Benko, Donald Archibald
ATA Delegate: John Bergman
Alternate Delegate: Tiger Volz

President Long stated that the meeting was officially opened.

President Long stated that the purpose of the meeting was to elect officers, what was discussed at the general meeting from attendees would be discussed at the Shoot Schedule Meeting.

Doug Sims stated we need to establish a date for the Shoot Schedule Meeting directing his comment to Tiger because she leaves Arizona. Tiger said the date is usually the first Saturday in May.

Nominations were now open from the floor for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer combining both responsibilities.

Marty Benko nominated Steve Long for President and Alvin Matthews nominated Mark Williams for President. Both were seconded by Don Archibald.

Roger Combs made a motion that the nominations cease. Marty Benko seconded.

Alvin Matthews stated that he had been thinking about the upcoming BOD election at the State Shoot.
He stated that the ASTA is a business and he was not aware of any Mission Statement that the BOD

Alvin Matthews asked if anyone new why they were here, on the BOD,and what direction to follow.

Steve Long responded with the answer that he was elected to represent the ATA Shooters and Clubs of Arizona in a fair and impartial way.

Alvin Matthews stated that the Mission Statement should be clear and precise and in writing. Al said our mission should say to improve and promote the preservation of trapshooting in the State of Arizona.

Doug stated that a similar statement did exist in the Bylaws.

Al wants the BOD to operate under the Roberts Rules of Order his observation is that the BOD does not always do this and he suggested this for consistency at meetings.

Steve Long asked the BOD if a show of hands was OK for the vote for President and all agreed. The vote was Five (5 ) to Four (4) ; 5 for Steve and 4 for Mark.

Steve Long was elected as President.

Mark Williams nominated Steve Bell for Vice President, seconded by Don Archibald.

Steve Long nominated Mark Williams for Vice President, seconded by Doug Sims. Steve Long requested nominations be closed. The vote was Seven (7) to Two (2); 7 for Mark and 2 for Steve.

Mark Williams was elected as Vice President.

Al Matthews wanted to know what the duties of the Vice President were. Doug and Steve responded that the duties were to assist the President in his duties and preside over meetings when the President was absent.

Steve Long nominated Roger Combs for the position of Secretary/Treasurer.

Doug Sims wanted to know if it was a combined position.

Doug stated that at one time he was Treasurer and he felt that if a laptop was purchased for the ASTA and Quicken was used it was a very manageable job.

Secretary/Treasurer nomination was closed with a motion from Doug. Vote was taken it was unanimous.

Roger Combs was elected to Secretary/Treasurer.

Steve stated that the ASTA needed to consider purchasing a laptop.

Doug made a motion to purchase a laptop and software for the ASTA up to $1,000; seconded by Mark.
Vote was taken and it was unanimous.

First Saturday in May will be the Shoot Schedule Meeting date being May 6th, 2017; this is a tentative date. Ben Avery will be the tentative site. Up for discussion before the Schedule meeting will be HOF dates and voting for requirements for elections. Is the 500 targets required in the current year fair?

Doug Sims stated another agenda item up for discussion will be a reduction in ASTA daily fees.
The time was established to be 10:00 am.

It was suggested that the agenda for future meetings be posted on the Web site not just distributed to BOD members.

Roger reminded the BOD that the only people who put items on the agenda are Board members and that he will be checking with Steve on items of discussion.

Steve Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Karen Bergman.Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted:
Roger E. Combs