Arizona State Trapshooting Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 14, 2017

BOD Attendees:

Steve Long, Steve Long, Mark Williams, Marty Benko, Don Archibald, Roger Combs, Karen Bergman, Doug Sims

ATA Delegate: John Bergman

ATA Alternate Delegate: Tiger Volz


President Long called the meeting to order after the days last targets.

Secretary /Treasurer Roger Combs gave a brief Treasurers report.

Discussion was held about preparations for the HOF in January.

200 participation pins was moved by Steve Long seconded by Marty Benko.

Discussion was held for food at HOF dinner. Mark Williams said he would arrange the HOF dinner (Mexican).

Karen Bergman agreed to be in charge of the cake.

It was moved to have ½ priced targets for juniors and sub juniors if they did not participate in the money.

A motion to adjourn was made by Don Archibald seconded by Karen Bergman. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00.


Roger Combs