Arizona State Trapshooting Association
Annual Meeting of the Members
Tucson Trap and Skeet Club
April 2, 2017

BOD Attendees:
Steve Long, Tim Robb, Karen Bergman, Ken Schatz, Mark Williams, Alvin Matthews, Richard Lane, Doug Sims, Marty Benko
ATA Delegate: John Bergman
Alternate Delegate: Tiger Volz

The count of the ASTA members attending the meeting was 76.

President Long requested everyone to stand and join in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

President Long requested a motion to approve the minutes from last year’s meeting, April 3, 2016.
Donald Archibald made the motion for approval of the minutes and Tiger Volz seconded the motion.
Vote was unanimous to approve the minutes.

President Long thanked Celeste Robb and Mary Long for all of their hard work at the trophy desk all week.

Ken Schatz gave the Treasurer’s report stating that the ASTA was once again on sound ground for the foreseeable future. Ken informed the group that the ASTA has $173,728.23. The Treasurer explained how the ASTA made money. Income from the ATA rebate was $13,194.00, Club revenue and membership fees and bank interest for a total of $73,952.00 for the year.
Expenses for the target year were $10,362.73 start up cost. ASTA has four shoots for the year; Western Zone at a cost $5,060.00, Hall of Fame cost of $6,550.34, Zone Challenge Shoot costs $1,819.20, AZ State Shoot costs $48,306.32. Total profit for the ASTA for 2016 was $2,442.17.

Ken informed the group he would like to move 10% of the $2,442.17 ($244.00) to the Operations Two fund.
Ken informed the group he would entertain any questions from the group at this time.

Gerry Williams noted that the Western Zone was lightly attended, he asked why do we spend $5,060.00?

The Treasurers response was that the ASTA wants to keep the Zone in Arizona. One way of doing that is to make the shoot prizes very attractive to the shooters. The ASTA offers trophies of 4 boxes of shells per class and yardage group. In addition, high dollar cash prizes are given along with the shells. In 2016, 29 flats of shells were given out and $3,320.00 in cash prizes.
John Bergman added that there are a number of Zone shoots going on at the same time and Arizona ranks in the middle of the pack in attendance with 50 to 65 shooters.

There were no additional questions on the Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer asked for a motion to accept the report, Marty Benko made the motion to accept the report, seconded by Steve Long.
Vote was unanimous to approve the report.

John Bergman thanked the three Board members who were retiring from the Board; Ken Schatz, Tim Robb, and Richard Lane.
Ken Schatz at this time informed the group about the additional cost for the dinner. He told the group the ASTA will give Tucson Trap and Skeet Club an additional $1,400.00 for the cost of the dinner. Four hundred (400) tickets were passed out, 360 steaks were ordered 326 people ate the meal. The leftover steaks were offered to the attendees for those who wanted seconds and
all were consumed.

Ken Schatz showed the group that the State Team Members were receiving computer backpacks in addition to the plaques. John Bergman announced the State Team members at this time. John Bergman also introduced the Rookie of the Year who was Robert Sawyer and presented him with the trophy belt buckle.

Clyde Thompson at this time questioned the requirements to vote for Directors. He requested that this be brought up for discussion at the next Board meeting. He felt the requirement of 500 targets in the target year was too stringent of a requirement. He felt that if a shooter was a Life Member of the ASTA, and did not shoot, they still had the right to vote for a Director. Clyde said that the ATA does not require a shooter to shoot to vote in an election and he once again
asked why the ASTA has this 500 target requirement.

Doug Sims response to Clyde’s request is that in years past it was possible to stack the BOD with write in votes and non shooters. When the Zones were established, the 500 target requirement was started. Doug did say that Clyde’s request for Non Shooting ASTA Life Members voting privileges was warranted.

This request regarding targets requirements for voting for Directors, should be posted on the agenda for the Shoot schedule meeting.

Paul Doetsch requested that the Hall of Fame Shoot dates be moved from October when the weather is too hot. He would like the shoot to be moved to January when more winter visitors are around. He felt that the shoot would be bigger and benefit all.

Paul requested that this be put on the agenda at the Shoot Schedule meeting.

Ken Schatz asked for a show of hands from the audience who would like the HOF moved to January. Approximately half of the room voted for the move to January.

Nominations at this time were opened for Directors for the three zones.
Doug Sims nominated Donald Archibald for Director for the southern zone, seconded by Marty Benko. Richard Lane made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Ken Schatz. Marty Benko cast one vote for Donald Archibald making his election official.

Steve Long nominated Steve Bell and seconded by Karen Bergman. Karen Bergman made a motion to close the nominations for Director for the northern zone, seconded by Frank Teichman. Karen Bergman cast one vote for Steve Bell making his election official.

Frank Teichman nominated Roger Combs, seconded by Mark Williams. Jim Sharp nominated Richard Luckett, seconded by Al Matthews. Sherry Schatz nominated Tiger Volz, seconded by Antonio De Simone. Sherry Schatz made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Mark Williams. At this time each candidate gave a two to three minute presentation on why they
want to be elected to the BOD, representing the central zone.

Frank Teichman nominated John Bergman for ATA Delegate, seconded by Tiger Volz. John Bergman had no one running against him and he accepted the position. Ken Schatz cast the ballot for John Bergman making his election official.

John Bergman nominated Tiger Volz for Alternate Delegate, seconded by Jim Sharp. Ken Schatz cast the ballot for Tiger Volz making her election official.

President Long requested a moment of silence for the departed trap shooters we lost this year.

Mike Luchetta requested that the BOD consider more trophies (pins) for more events during the State Program. He is requesting runner up in the Classes in Non- Championship Events. This should be on the agenda at a future meeting.
Marty Benko made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Bergman.

Election results Roger Combs (25), Tiger Volz (17), Richard Luckett (5). Roger Combs is the new Central Zone Director.

Respectfully Submitted:
Ken Schatz