Welcome To Arizona Trapshooting

This is the official website of the Arizona State Trapshooting Association

Completed Careers

Jim "Bob" Davis

Jim "Bob" Davis

Jim passed away March 28, 2024

Jim “Bob” Davis passed away peacefully at his home four days after his 85th birthday.  He was a career law enforcement officer for the State of Arizona and lifetime member of the ATA and ASTA.



Dave Carl

Dave Carl

Dave passed away October 4, 2023

Dave Carl, age 75, a Naval Veteran of the Vietnam War, Professional Photographer and Trap shooter, passed away while on vacation with his wife in Vermont October 4, 2023.



Terry & Dianna Courtemash

Terry & Dianna Courtemash

Dianna passed away November 11, 2022 & Terry passed on May 6, 2023

Terry started shooting in 1978 and Dianna 2009.  Both retired from shooting in 2015. Terry broke 122,600 targets and was a life member of the ATA and ASTA.  Terry and Dianna were very well liked and a fixture at many ASTA tournaments as well as shooting in many States.



W.P. Tiedje

W.P. Tiedje

Passed away November 13, 2022

William P. Tiedje from Sun City, AZ passed away on November 13, 2022 surrounded by family.  William previously served as President of the Phoenix Trap & Skeet Club.



John Fornadel

John Fornadel

Passed away April 26, 2022




Johnnie Dale Prytula

Johnnie Dale Prytula

Passed away April 9, 2022


Johnnie Dale Prytula passed away peacefully on April 9, 2022.  He joined the ATA in 1974 and received his 100,000 Handicap Certificate from the Association.  He was also a Life Member of the Tucson Trap & Skeet Club since 1985.


Dusty A. McWilliams

Dusty A. McWilliams

Passed away November 4, 2021


Dusty unexpectedly passed away on November 4, 2021.  He was from Mesa, AZ and a long time shooter at Rio Salado Sportsmans Club.


George Reynolds

George Reynolds

Passed Away: October 13, 2021


George was a longtime ASTA member and lifetime ATA member.

Paul Jacobs

Paul Jacobs

Passed Away: June 8, 2021


Paul served as Trap Coordinator for Ben Avery Clay Busters for many years and will be missed. 

Larry Mane

Larry Mane

Passed Away: April 6, 2021


Larry was a past President of the ASTA and long time Board member.  Larry’s  many contributions to our sport and his presence will be sorely missed.

Jim Grider

Jim Grider

Passed Away: September 25, 2020


Jim was Three-time Arizona ATA Champion.

Steven Mazieka

Steven Mazieka

Passed Away: August 12, 2020

Billy Justice

Billy Justice

Passed Away: June 16, 2020

Steve Phelps

Steve Phelps

Passed Away: March 7, 2020

Semper Samsam

Semper Samsam

Passed Away: March 1, 2020

David Valandra

David Valandra

Passed Away: May 2, 2019

Rod Ritter

Rod Ritter

Passed Away: February 26, 2019

Glenn Dobbs

Glenn Dobbs

Passed Away: August 17, 2018

Joseph Pollo

Joseph Pollo

Passed Away: May, 2018

Kenneth Vanderpool

Kenneth Vanderpool

Passed Away: April 19, 2018

Kenneth Vanderpool passed away in a Las Vegas Hospital Thursday, April 19, 2018.


James P. McGowan

James P. McGowan

Passed Away: March 18, 2018

Bill Ruhlman

Bill Ruhlman

Passed Away: February 7, 2018

Unfortunately Bill Ruhlman lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.

Please keep his family in your thoughts.

Claude E. Felix

Claude E. Felix

Passed Away: January 10, 2018

Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Don W. Brown

Don W. Brown

Passed Away: December 11, 2017

Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Melvin Williams

Melvin Williams

Passed away October 17, 2017

Please keep his family in your thoughts.

Patrick "Pete" Patton

Patrick "Pete" Patton

Passed Away: August 21, 2017

Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Nancy Whitaker

Nancy Whitaker

Passed Away: March 11, 2017

Please keep her family in your thoughts.
Wayne Hance

Wayne Hance

Passed Away September 26, 2016

If you hear of a member’s passing, please email us with the name

and any other information you may have.

ASTA - Completed Careers

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